Fire and Hearth


When it rains, the trainees stay put wherever they are. It’s far better to catch up on sleep from the mosquito-infested nights than to get themselves and their gear wet, because once wet, they must wait until the weather clears in order to dry their gear. So far, there have only been a few days that required laying low.

The trainees’ comfort is determined by how well they evaluate and set up their campsite.  As a nomadic clan, they are getting a lot of practice assessing and choosing campsites based on comfort points.  These include finding a place with a good hearth area near a water source that is both high and dry, while taking into account sun exposure. When setting up their tarps, they must also assess whether their tarp placement will shield them from prevailing winds during inclement weather.

The effectiveness of setting up a successful camp hinges on consistently following these five steps, which are listed in order of importance:

  1. Scout area thoroughly to determine a location that meets all basic needs.
  2. Set up tarps to secure dry environment for self and gear.
  3. Set up hearth and fire.
  4. Find water access.
  5. Establish food storage.

Part of the training includes building Fire with a bow drill… matches ran out weeks ago. Though everyone has been practicing, no one but Caretaking Woman, formerly known as Long-Haired Woman, P1140341has been able to call upon the gift of Fire. Recently, the trainees decided it was time to step up to the learning opportunity, so they designed a Fire Challenge.  Each person was assigned three days in which to bring forth Fire for the clan. If that person is not successful, then there is no Fire that day.

Playful Child, formerly known as Youngest Man, was the first trainee to step up to the Fire Challenge. The first day, the clan did not have Fire. Not succeeding puts a lot of pressure on the person who is charged with building one. Fire is essential for food preparation, for keeping mosquitos at bay, for drying wet gear, for warmth during cold spells, and serves as a gathering place for the clan at the end of the day.

Playful Child succeeded on the second night! He now goes by the name Embers Inside.

Listen to the latest recording of the Guardian Intensive trainees discussing their experiences in the wild.


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